So in terms of long lasting - there's always Amway.Yup still there - $7.1 billion last year apparently.
Didn't start out as an affiliate/network marketing deal - but gradually evolved. And now its on-line through what was once called the Quixtar web-site. Now Amway Global
Claims to be number 1 Health and Beauty product purveyor on-line. Could be. The Nurtilite brand is over $2 billion as is their Artistry line (Sandra Bullock - secret user - according to In-Touch Mag).
And the claim is - if you have the right 'line" the ones at the top can only make money if their affiliates are making money - and if you study their true marketing plan payout - that's how it seems to work
But the Master Affiliates of course have thousands of affliates and make a small percentage no matter how many or how 'deep' they go. So they too are earning $2 and 3 million a month. And most of them barely know how to switch on a computer
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